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The Economic Integration of Refugees in the UK (ECONREF)


Facilitating the integration of refugees is an important objective of civil society organisations and  government  departments  at  the  local  and  national  level.  However,  efforts  to  facilitate integration  have  been  constrained  by  the  lack  of  information  on  the  short-  and  long-term outcomes of refugees. This project explores labour market and other related outcomes of  those  who  migrated  to  the  UK  for  asylum  reasons. These  outcomes  are compared to those of UK-born individuals and to those of other migrants who moved to the UK for employment, family, and study reasons. For key findings of the project, refer to the final project report.
The project culminated with a final joint conference: “Forced Displacement, Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Economics Aspects and Policy Issues” at Queen Mary University of London. More information about the conference here.

Principal Investigator

Carlos Vargas-Silva

Other researchers

Isabel Ruiz
Zovanga Kone


Nuffield Foundation


2017 - 2019

Advisory Board

Theresa  Beltramo (UNHCR),  Marta  Foresti  (ODI),  Peter  Grady  (UNHCR),  Tim  Hatton  (University  of  Essex),  Roy Millard (SESMP), Jackie Wahba (University of Southampton), Maurice Wren (Refugee Council) and  Roger  Zetter  (University  of  Oxford).

Project Publications

"Self-employment and reason for migration: Are those who migrate for asylum different from other migrants?" (Z. Kone, I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva), Small Business Economics, 2020. Download
"Refugees and the UK Labour Market" (Z. Kone, I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva), Final Project Report, Download

"Reason for immigration and immigrants' health" (O. Giuntella, Z. Kone, I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva)
Public Health, 158: 102-109. Download

Related Publications

"Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK" (I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva), Journal of Economic Geography, 18(4): 855-885, 2018. Download

"Are refugees' labour market outcomes different from those of other migrants? Evidence from the United Kingdom 2005-2007" (I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva), Population Space and Place, 23(6), 2017. Download

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